A Eucharistic Prayer For Today
Originally written for a worship with amazing middle-schoolers in October, 2017.
Praise and thanks are yours, holy God,
because by your Word you made all things.
You spoke light into darkness.
You created the earth and called it good — very good!
You formed us in your own holy and divine image,
breathing into us a sacred identity.
And let God’s people say, Amen! Amen!
Your Word empowered your people throughout the ages.
You spoke through Eve and Deborah, Jael and Hagar,
and all the unnamed biblical women who are still known and loved by you.
Your justice was kept alive through the prophets.
Your mercy was spoken through your creation,
breathing, living, loving, and even dying.
And let God’s people say, Amen! Amen!
You made yourself known to us in Jesus, our sibling.
He was born among the poor.
He lived under oppression.
He wept over the city.
Through his life, death, and new life, he showed us your infinite love.
And then, one night, having been anointed by one he loved very much, and about to be betrayed by one he loved very much, our Savior Jesus took bread, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to his friends, saying, “Take and eat, this is my body, broken for you. Do this for the memory of me.”
That same night, after the meal was over,
Jesus took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it to his friends to drink, saying, “This cup is my blood, the blood of the New Testament, which is shed for you and for everyone, breaking the bonds of sin and death, bringing about a new world order of justice, mercy, and love. Do this for the memory of me.”

And your movement was just beginning.
Your Word-Made-Flesh spoke through new prophets,
through holy troublemakers and edgy teachers.
Your witness was made known through Martin Luther and Martin Luther King, Jr;
within Ida B. Wells and Harriet Tubman; Dolores Huerta and César Chávez.
And let God’s people say, Amen! Amen!
Your movement continues to this day.
Your Holy Spirit moves through those who work for justice and peace in the whole world.
She empowers Unvirtuous Abbey and Brittany Packnett on Twitter.
She breathes through [local church leader name(s)].
She remembers Sandra Bland and Tamir Rice.
She is with every single person in this room and those following online.
And let God’s people say, Amen! Amen!
Pour out that Spirit on these gifts gathered here,
so that we may recognize your radical welcome in this bread and wine.
So that we can see your powerful presence in this Table,
in this space, in this moment, here and now.
And forever into the future.
And let God’s people say, Amen! Amen!