(Un)MuteYourself, Day 16

Jason Chesnut
Published in
Dec 14, 2020


1 Kings 18:17 | When [Ahab] saw Elijah, he said to him, “Is that you, you doomscroller of Israel?”

Katy Stenta is solo pastor at a bigger-on-the-inside tiny PCUSA church in Albany, NY, and a writer of liturgy at www.Katyandtheword.com, and a voracious reader of sci-fi/fantasy for hope!

Listen to Katy update the I Kings passage, reimagining an argument for our time.

Check back here throughout the season of Advent for featured contributors offering their reflections.

Interested in following along and contributing to #UnmuteYourself? Follow along with the hashtag on social media.

The prompts for the entire season of Advent are as follows:



Jason Chesnut

| jesus-follower | anti-racist | feminist | aspiring theologian | ordained pastor (not online) | restless creative | #BlackLivesMatter